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Page 12

  Her wide eyes meet mine as she nervously bites on her bottom lip. I want to know what her full pink lips would feel like pressed against mine. I want to know what they’d feel like opening beneath mine, letting my tongue inside to taste her.

  What the fuck is this bullshit? I don’t wax poetic about some chicks looks. If she’s got a banging body, then I bang her and that’s all there is to it. I don’t pay attention to what color her eyes are or notice that her skin is fair and clear. I don’t wonder if her cheeks would flush pink when I make her come for the first time. I don’t like the way this girl makes me feel.

  “What’s your name honey?” I ask, leaning forward into her space. She reminds me of an anime character all wide eyes, wild hair and a sexy little pout for a mouth. Jesus. She’s making me have a fucking semi right now.

  “Harlow.” It’s only one word, but it sends shivers down my spine like someone scratching my back.

  I lean in more. “Well Harlow, now that you got my shirt all wet, what do you say you and me go back to my place? You can help me get out of this one.” I wink at her and wait for the smile to appear on her face. The one that says I know what you really want and I want that too. Let’s go fuck like rabbits on crack.

  That’s not the reaction I get from Harlow though. Her eyebrows move toward each other and make an adorable little worry wrinkle in the middle of her forehead. She arches her upper body back as far as she can without actually taking a step. Her ability to balance leaning like that is impressive. “I came here with friends. I can’t just leave them.”

  I run the back of my index finger down her cheek. “That’s okay honey. We can go find them and tell them you’re coming with me.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t even know you.”

  I place my hands on the countertop on either side of her, caging her in. “Are you sure about that honey? Everyone knows who I am. I’m the quarterback for the Terriers.”

  She avoids my gaze and crosses her arms in front of her. “I don’t really follow football.”

  “I guess it’s time you started then.” I tip her chin up with my fingers and flash my irresistible smile.

  She doesn’t smile back. She actually looks annoyed. “I don’t like football or football players. I’m sorry I spilled my drink on you, but I’m not going to make up for your shirt getting a little wet by blowing you back at your apartment,” she huffs.

  “Who said anything about you blowing me? I was thinking more along the lines of fucking you into next week.”

  “Okay this conversation is over. I need to go find my friends.” She pushes on my chest and I take a step back so she can pass by.

  “My name’s Brady Lincoln in case you change your mind. I’m not hard to find.”

  I watch her curvy little ass sway with each step until she’s out of sight. Damn. She’s got some banging curves on her and a fresh little mouth I’d like to keep occupied. I adjust my dick and knock the rest of my drink back.

  Harlow. I like that name. It suits her. I wonder what her last name is. I’m a dumbass for not asking for it, but she took me by surprise. She knocked me off balance a little and girls never do that. I’m not sure I like the effect she had on me, but I’m definitely intrigued by her. My interest has been piqued.

  I make myself another drink and then head back to the large living room to look for Harlow. I want to find out her last name and where she lives. I’ve never seen her on campus and I’m pretty sure I’d remember if I had. She’s a tempting little package I can’t wait to open. My eyes scan around the crowded space searching for her, but I don’t see her anywhere. I lean my back against the wall and sip on my drink, disappointed I can’t find her. I was looking forward to talking to her some more. I’m pretty sure I could’ve convinced her to come home with me if I had a few more minutes to lay some of my abundant charm on her.


  Memory Motel by The Rolling Stones

  Sugar We’re Going Down by Fall Out Boy

  Grey Street by Dave Matthews Band

  Crash by Dave Matthews Band

  Where Are You Going by Dave Matthews Band

  Modern Love by David Bowie

  Starman by David Bowie

  Major Tom by David Bowie

  Stranglehold by Ted Nugent

  Drive by The Cars

  Since You’ve Gone by The Cars

  Empty Garden by Elton John

  Goodbye Yellowbrick Road by Elton John

  The One by Elton John

  Harmony by Elton John

  Tusk by Fleetwood Mac

  What About Love by Til Tuesday

  Didn’t Mean to Turn You On by Robert Palmer

  Sneaking Sally Through the Alley by Robert Palmer

  Every Kind of People by Robert Palmer

  The End of the Innocence by Don Henley

  In the Air Tonight by Genesis

  Salisbury Hill by Peter Gabriel

  Tonight’s the Night by Rod Stewart

  The Killing of Georgie by Rod Stewart

  Tenderness by General Public

  The Unforgettable Fire by U2


  Jacob Chance grew up in New England and still lives there today. He’s a martial artist, a football fan, a practical joker and junk food lover.

  A writer of erotic romance, QUIVER is his second release and is the follow up to QUAKE.

  Jacob plans on writing many more sexy, suspenseful stories and to branch out to other genres.

  Other books by the author:




  I have the best PA, Diane Hamilton. She makes me look good. Without her I’d be missing takeovers and deadlines. I can’t really thank her enough for all she does. D, you’re the best. And I’m glad I have you in my corner.

  Thank you, Donna and Misty for running our street team. You guys are amazing, always willing to step up and do what needs to be done. You work tirelessly promoting us and I appreciate how much effort goes into getting our teasers seen.

  Thank you to our street team The Chance Takers. You ladies are awesome. Donna, Misty, Beth, Lisa, Jessica, Rhiannon, Kaye, Mary, Devon, Rachel, Anita, Helen, Kim M., Kim O., Viv, Laura,

  Thank you to all the blogs who’ve shared QUAKE, QUIVER and DELVE. Without you, no one would know about my books.

  A special thanks to The Bashful Book Whore, Beaute De Livres, Book Lovers Hangout, Amo & Sarah’s Book Corner, Sassy Book Club, Read Me Fancy, and The Divas Lounge. All of you have shared my teasers and helped to spread word about my books.

  Thank you to my beta readers – Donna, Laura, Viv, Paula Dawn, Dawn Nicole, Angela, Jessica, Misty and Cara. You ladies made sure I didn’t leave out any important details. Thank you for all your help.

  Viv Freeman, Laura Martinez and Denielle Hoppe, you help out with so many different things. Thank you for all you do. You ladies make my life a lot easier.

  Viv Freeman, Laura Martinez and Paula Dawn, thank you for all your help making Kenna who she is. All the small details you ladies suggested made a big difference and she wouldn’t have been as awesome as she is without your input.

  Jessica Hildreth, once again, you did a great job on my cover.

  Stacey Broadbent and Petrina Jenkins, thank you for taking the time to edit QUIVER. It was great working with you ladies.

  We have a group on Facebook, Brothers Chance Playroom. It’s a great place to hang out and have fun. The ladies in there are amazing. You all make me laugh each and every day. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you ladies give me.

  Thank you to all the people who’ve supported me, whether you purchased QUAKE or QUIVER, shared my teasers or even just liked my post, I appreciate you all.

  Sold To My Father’s Friend Releasing November 2, 2016

  By Cara Chance

  A door slammed, jarring me, as I lie in my bed on the verge of sleep. I had a busy day tomorrow and needed my so called beauty rest. The house was usually s
ilent this time of night. I had only moved back home a few months ago. College just wasn’t for me. My parents were still upset I hadn’t finished my studies, but I needed a break to find myself and figure out what I wanted to do. They called my indecision immature and foolish. I felt it was something I couldn’t ignore.

  Shouting dragged me fully awake. I needed to see what was going on. Kicking back the heavy comforter, my feet padded across the plush carpet out into the hallway. Angry voices battling with each other confronted me as I stepped down the spiral staircase leading to the floor below. Dark hair and shadowed eyes were the first thing I saw as I descended further. Who was he?

  My father spoke to the mysterious man as I peered around the corner trying not to be seen. Too late. The tall stranger turned his lightly scruffed face to me and his eyes raked over my body, lingering on my pale pink sleep shorts. I tugged on the hem of my white tank, covering the small amount of exposed skin above the waistband. Chills erupted from head to toe. His chiseled jaw clenched as I entered the room.

  “Angelique, go back to your room,” my father demanded.

  “What’s going on?” I moved closer to the two men squaring off in the middle of the living room.

  My father crossed his arms as the mystery man moved to the large leather chair in the corner and sat down. He laughed. My father’s eyes shot to him. “Mr. Landon, is something funny?”

  “You didn’t tell me you had a daughter.”

  “What difference does it make?” my father asked, glaring at the man.

  “Well, this changes everything.”

  My father moved closer. “No, it doesn’t.” My father’s voice was stern, the voice he used to reprimand me many times when I was younger.

  The man wasn't intimidated, he waved him off with a flick of his wrist and turned his attention to me. His eyes captured mine. Dark and fathomless. I couldn’t tell where the pupils ended and the irises began. The way he looked me over, slow and appraising, made my knees almost buckle. I’d never been stared at like that before.

  “This is my new offer, Mr. Stammer,” he said, not taking his eyes off of me. “You have two weeks to get me the money you owe me. In the meantime, I’ll hold your daughter as collateral.” My eyes widened.

  “You mother fucker,” my father shouted.

  Mr. Landon stood. His tailored dark suit only added to the foreboding flitting around in my belly. “Pack a few things. You have ten minutes.”

  Confused, I glanced at my father who stood dead in his tracks. Was this really happening?

  My father’s head lowered in defeat. “Pack your bags, Angelique.”

  “You can not be serious.” My eyes sought answers, but his tight-lipped response was all I was met with.

  He stepped closer, out of Mr. Landon’s earshot. “You’ll be staying with Mr. Landon. Angel, if you don’t do this we’ll lose the house. We’ll lose everything. And who knows what else Mr. Landon is capable of. It’s not ideal, but I promise I’ll find the money.” He glanced back to the man with dark eyes. “Jace, you lay one finger on her and I will kill you.”

  Jace. I had a name. He stepped closer to me, his movements stealthy and assured. He was older than me, but not by much. Early thirties was my guess.

  Stopping in front of me, he leaned down. “Go pack your bags. Now,” he whispered against my ear.

  My legs shook as I turned away and neared the staircase.

  "Jace, I mean it. One finger touches her…”

  “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Mr. Stammer. Don’t forget who you work for.” His voice was deep and commanding, demanding obedience and getting it.

  My father backed down and I raced to my room. This couldn’t really be happening. I had work the next few days. How would my absence be explained? The library wouldn’t appreciate me not showing up.

  My father had always been involved with the wrong people. I often wondered what his work involved, but was told by my mother to keep my nose out of it.

  Would this man hurt me?

  Grabbing my old cheerleading duffle bag from high school, I packed a few items inside. How long would I be with this man? Hatred grew inside me as I pulled on a t-shirt and yoga pants.

  I decided right then I would not abide to anything he had in store for me. Tying my long dark hair up in a bun, I threw on my tennis shoes and turned slowly around my room. Would I see this room again?

  I couldn’t believe this was really happening.

  Twenty years old, and I was essentially being sold to my father’s friend.

  Date Me by Logan Chance

  “It isn’t a secret your dick needs some action.”

  “Fuck, Lexi, can you please not talk about my most treasured organ?” I asked as we sat in a side booth at the local diner.

  “It’s hardly an organ. But, that’s my point. It’ll shrivel up and fall off if you don’t use it,” she said, flipping her long brown hair over her shoulder.

  “I use it plenty.” I picked up my fork and spun it between my fingers before digging into my egg special. This conversation couldn’t be more wrong.

  “Oh, please. You haven’t been laid since Gretchen what’s her face, and that was over eight months ago.”

  “I don’t know what’s more disturbing here, the fact you remember that, or you’re my sister.”

  Lexi was the female version of me, only with a touch of snarky sass and a foul mouth to make a few sailors blush.

  “What are we talking about here?” Marley’s soft voice filled the booth as I cringed. My two older sisters were double teaming me, and I knew it.

  “Erik’s dick,” Lexi answered through a mouthful of pancakes.

  “Ooh, let me get my magnifying glass, and I can join in.” Marley, the oldest, pushed on my shoulder, and I scooted over so she could slide in beside me.

  “Enough.” My deep voice was firm. “I’m not having this discussion again with the both of you.”

  “Touchy. What’s wrong little brother?” Marley picked up the menu as Lexi laughed along with her. “Did the girl from the coffee shop not work out?”

  The problem with both my sisters was they liked to meddle. And their favorite life to intrude on? Mine.

  Lexi pointed her fork at me. “All I’m saying is, you would be a lot happier if you got your dick wet.”

  “Tell me again how Jared puts up with you?” I asked.

  “Oh, I suck a mean cock. I grab it real hard with both hands,” Lexi dropped her fork and wrapped her hands around an imaginary dick, giving a sly grin to Marley, “then, I swivel my head around and go to town.” She laughed as she picked up her fork and knife and sliced into her pancakes.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I asked while they both laughed.

  “Nothing,” she said as a dribble of syrup oozed out of her mouth.

  “Calm down, Erik. We’re both only trying to help,” Marley said as the waitress approached and took her order.

  “Yeah, what she said.” Lexi pointed her fork toward Marley and then continued to devour her stack of blueberry pancakes.

  And what makes you both think I even need your help?”

  Lexi’s fork and knife fell from her fingers, clattering on her plate. Her head sprang up, mouth open with the remnants of chewed up pancakes. She grabbed her napkin and wiped her mouth as she finished off the food in her mouth. “Ok, shit just got real. You need us Erik. Have you forgotten what next month is?” Lexi asked.

  Marley giggled beside me as my face heated. “I told you not to mention next month. I’m going to be doing some rock climbing in an undisclosed location.”

  “Oh please, no you aren’t. You’re going. Just like all of us are going. To show that bitch what she’s missing out on,” Marley said as her coffee was placed in front of her. The waitresses’ eyes grew wide, but Marley waved her off with an apology.

  “Why would she even invite me anyways?” I asked, totally deflated once again.

  “Because, she’s a life-sucking whore, and she want
s to make everyone else just as miserable as her,” Lexi chimed in.

  “On her wedding day?” I popped a slice of bacon into my mouth as both Marley and Lexi laughed.

  “Of course on her wedding day. Bitches want everyone miserable on their wedding day,” Lexi said.

  I shook my head, the mysteries of women being revealed a bit more by my sister’s warped minds. “I don’t think most girls think like that.”

  “Ok, not most, but Steffie Jamison sure the fuck thinks like that.”

  Steffie, Stefany Jamison, my ex-girlfriend who I dated for five years and now the fiancée to a man she met while on an African safari a few months back. The point was, we had broken up last year, and I was over her. But, when her wedding invitation came in the mail, I was once again devastated. Not because I wanted her back, but because she was happy without me.

  “You need a smokin’ hot date,” Marley said when her pancakes arrived. I passed the syrup over after she nudged me with her knee.

  “Erik, you need not only a smokin’ hot girlfriend, but you need to move on. I like to see those blue eyes happy. Let me see the baby blues.” Lexi snapped her fingers in front of my face as I closed my eyes. Both my sisters teased me about my hypnotic blue eyes or so they called them. I tried not to smile as their teasing continued.

  “Seriously, all I’m saying is you need to find someone, and that’s why I called this meeting,” Lexi said. My eyes sprang open. My assessment was right, this was sabotage.

  “We kind of have something to tell you,” Marley said in a voice which I knew meant she had already done something I would not be too happy about.