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Page 5

  I straighten up, grinning at him. “What are you doing here?”

  He smiles back. “I’m here to pick you up.” His fingers gently sweep my bangs across my forehead and tuck them behind my ear. “Better. Now I can see your beautiful face.” His fingers trail down behind my ear and along the curve of my jaw.

  I shiver and this time it’s not from the cold. He softly cups my chin in his hand and stares at my mouth. Is he going to kiss me? My heart pounds and my legs feel weak when I think of his lips on mine. I want to know what it would be like. I’ve been wondering for a while now. We spend a lot of time together and it’s difficult for me to keep all my thoughts of him in the friend zone. There are some murky areas there.

  “You are my greatest temptation.”

  Does he want to kiss me too?

  I study his masculine lips. What kind of kisser is he? Gentle? Rough? Will he make my stomach flutter with the caress of his tongue against mine?

  He leans forward. My breath catches. Is this the moment I’ll finally know what his lips feel like on mine?

  “Relax, Lana. I’m not going to kiss you now. Our kiss will change things and you’re not ready for that.” He sweeps his thumb back and forth over my bottom lip.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Change sounds pretty good right now,” I joke, feeling awkward. He grips both sides of my face and lowers his lips as close as he can to mine without touching. I feel the heat of his breath on my cheek and it makes me long for more than a kiss from him.

  He stares intently into my eyes, our lips only a hair’s breadth apart.

  My lids drift shut when he runs his nose along the side of mine and then slides his lips across my cheek to whisper in my ear. “Our moment will be much bigger than this one. When our lips meet, life as you know it will cease to exist. Let me know when you’re ready.” His husky seductive words send a shiver down my spine.

  I’m ready now.

  Instead of telling him I’m ready, I grip his jacket in my hand and whisper, “Are you going to tell me what’s so special about your kiss?” The tiny hairs on the nape of my neck stand on end when his warm breath fans across my ear.

  “No,” he murmurs.

  “No?” People move around us and I don’t care. Instinctively, I lean into his touch. “It’s a secret, huh? I don’t like secrets.”

  He chuckles softly and his lips brush my neck below my ear.

  “Soon there will be no secrets between us.”

  He briefly caresses my cheek with his fingertips then steps back. My fingers release their hold on his jacket, brushing down the front of the material. Cold without his warmth against me, I adjust my scarf to cover the bottom of my chin.

  He picks up my bag and gestures with his head in the direction we need to walk. “I’m parked over here. We should go before I get ticketed.”

  We walk next to one another along the sidewalk in front of the terminals. He pulls his keys from his pocket and clicks to remotely start the vehicle and then once again to open the hatch on his shiny, black Escalade. It looks brand new.

  “Did you buy this recently?” I ask as I pat the rear bumper. I meant to ask him the day we went to pick out my Christmas tree, but it didn’t seem like the right time.

  He places my bag inside the back hatch and closes it. “I purchased it when I moved here. I didn’t own a car in New York.” He walks me to my door, opening it for me. “Everything was within walking distance of where I lived and on the odd occasion it wasn’t, I’d take a cab.” He shuts my door sealing me inside. New car smell surrounds me as I settle back into the butter soft dark gray leather heated seats.

  He climbs in the driver’s side and puts his seatbelt on. “How was the wedding?” he asks.

  I smile. “Kenna made such a beautiful bride and her brother Kyle got ordained as a minister so he could be the one to marry them.” I giggle.

  “He became a minister?” Zack raises an eyebrow as his eyes sweep in my direction.

  “Yep. I guess you can do anything online these days.”

  My thoughts drift to the night my friends and I all went out to a nightclub. I let a stranger finger me while we were on the dance floor. I never even got to see what he looks like. He was behind me the whole time.

  All I had to go by was his deep commanding voice and I’m not sure why he made me feel comfortable enough to let his hands roam over my body. He was sexy and forceful. I liked that he pushed me out of my comfort zone. He gave me the best orgasm of my life.

  After I had mixed feelings about it. I felt guilty because it wasn’t Christopher, but it didn’t seem as upsetting as I anticipated because I don’t even know who it was that touched me. I guess ignorance is bliss.

  When Zack pulls into the traffic exiting the airport, I close my eyes, rest my head back and let the smooth ride of the luxury vehicle lull me to sleep.

  “Wake up, precious angel.” Christopher caresses my cheek. His gaze is filled with so much tenderness; his love for me apparent as it always was.

  I grab his wrist, holding onto him. “You came back.” I smile and my heart is so full with love for him it feels like it could burst. I’m so happy to see him. I’ve missed him so much; it’s been unbearable.

  “Wake up, Lana.” My eyes open slowly. I’m confused about where I am at first, but then I notice Zack in the driver’s seat next to me. Reality crashes into me when I realize I dreamt up Christopher and he wasn’t really here with me. I swallow the lump in my throat and fight off the deluge of tears waiting to break free. I quickly let go of Zack’s wrist and fold my hands in my lap. I squeeze my eyes shut. Pull yourself together. It’s been a year since he left you and it was his choice.

  “Maybe someday you’ll tell me about him.” Zack’s words have my head snapping in his direction. How does he know I was dreaming about Christopher?

  “You said his name,” he answers as if I voiced the question. My eyes lower to my lap. How embarrassing. I bite on my bottom lip, mortified.

  “It’s okay, Lana. We all have things in our past we’re running from; some of us more than others.”



  I haven’t seen Lana for a couple days now. What she doesn’t know and can’t, is that I was in Vegas keeping an eye on her the whole time. I danced with her and made her come without her knowing who I was. The saying ‘What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,’ is like a free pass for people to step outside their comfort zone.

  December 31st

  Her face offers a kaleidoscope of expressions and could never be boring. Watching Lana is something I could do twenty-four-seven. I can barely keep up with all the ones flashing as she stares blankly at the various kinds of liquor lined up along the back of the bar. I can tell she’s not really seeing the bottles though. What is she thinking? Is she thinking about the other night when I made her come on the dance floor? I’ve been thinking about that night too. I went back to my room after, my dick still hard as steel, and I had to jerk off twice. I can’t wait to make her come when she knows it’s me who’s touching her. Knows who’s driving her body toward more painful pleasure than she’s ever experienced. I’ll show her things she never knew existed. Fuck, I want to start now. My dick is ready.

  She takes a sip of her Heineken, then places the bottle down on the bar. She rests both elbows on the wood and cups her chin in her hands. I can see her face reflected in the mirror along the back wall and she looks sad. Is she thinking about her past? Her past is murky, I haven’t been able to figure out what drove her all the way to Boston. I need to know more about her life in Seattle. I need her to open up to me.

  She spins on her barstool, facing away from me, leaning sideways against the bar. Her red hair falls in a shiny mass over her bare shoulders. She sways subtly to the beat of the music while I move closer.

  I glance at my watch. Two more minutes until midnight. I adjust my glasses and take a few more steps until she’s only three seats away. I wipe my sweaty hands on my thighs. What I have planned could backfire on m
e, but I’m still going to do it. The reward outweighs the risk.

  Only Eighty seconds…

  It’s now or never. I slowly maneuver until I’m standing behind her as the large screens at the back of the room used to play music videos, begin to countdown the last minute of the year. Large numbers flash on the screens and raptly hold everyone’s attention. Lana is no exception. I can see her profile in the mirror behind the bar. Is she wondering what the new year will bring for her? I already know what’s in store for my precious angel. She’s going to have a life changing year.

  I move forward until my chest is almost touching her back and lean down, my lips near her ear. “I’m glad I found you precious girl.” She reacts as if I’ve startled her and my hand goes to her hip and soothingly rubs it. “Close your eyes and keep them closed.” I flick my glance to the mirror and see she’s complied. Good girl.

  Forty seconds…

  “Have you been thinking about me?” I touch my lips to the bottom of her ear. “Have you been imagining it’s my fingers making you come when you touch your pussy?” She nods her head.

  I pull her back against my chest. “Use your words, precious. I want to hear them.”

  “Yes.” Her voice is husky.

  Thirty seconds...

  “Yes, you’ll use your words, or yes you think about me when you touch your pussy?” I bite on her earlobe and she moans. I can’t wait to hear those moans when I’m buried inside her.

  “Yes, I’ve thought about you when I touch myself.” My hand slides over her hip and snakes up under her dress to wrap around her inner thigh. I walk my fingers up her warm skin until I cup her pussy with my hand. Her silky panties are damp. I smile. She’s already wet for me, and I’ve barely touched her.

  Twenty seconds…

  “Where do you touch yourself, precious? I want to hear you say it.” I slide my fingers along her slit, up to her clit and rub. “Tell me you touch your pussy, precious.” Her exhale is shaky from my touch.

  “I think of you when I touch my pussy.” I reward her by slipping my hand inside her panties and spreading her wetness over her clit. My fingers pick up speed, circling faster and faster.

  Ten seconds…

  “You’re going to come for me at the stroke of midnight, precious, and not a second sooner. This pussy obeys me.” She arches her back, raising her arm to hook behind my neck. My teeth bite on her neck and she gasps. “Get ready to let go.”

  Four, three, two, one…

  “Now.” I growl in her ear over the shouts of Happy New Year. She trembles in my arms as I draw out her orgasm. Her breaths leave her in harsh puffing exhales. I smile. Her body already responds to my every command. She already belongs to me; she just doesn’t know it yet. I quickly spin around and head to the back exit, sucking my fingers clean of her taste as I walk. Goddamn. She’s delicious.

  Soon there will be no secrets between us.

  I flew home earlier in the day and had just enough time to stop by my place and drop off my bag before heading back to the airport to pick Lana up.

  We shared an awkward goodbye at her door after I drove her home from the airport. She was sad when I woke her and then embarrassed when she realized she’d said his name. Christopher. I hate him already, and I don’t even know what he did to her. It must have been something horrible for her to still be so shaken by it over a year later.

  I’d be lying if I said this didn’t throw a wrench in my plans. I never expected her to have an ex lurking in her past. An ex she’s obviously not completely over.

  I gave her a couple days to settle back in at home and to get over her embarrassment. I’ve had enough time to mull it over, and it’s time for me to put the full court press on her. I want her to be mine and sitting here waiting is not the way to go about it.

  What if this asshole comes back and tries to worm his way back in? Not going to fucking happen; not if I have anything to say about it.

  My knuckles knock twice. I shove my fingers down into the front pockets on my jeans and hold my breath while I wait for her to open the door. The ten seconds it takes seems like an eternity, but well worth it when I see her sea colored eyes looking up at me.

  “Hi, Zack,” her tone is reserved. The usual sparkle, missing from her eyes.

  “Hi.” I smile at her until her lips lift slightly upwards at the corners. “Are you busy now?” I don’t give her enough time to answer before I continue. “Go bundle up so we can take a walk. I’ll even buy you a coffee or a hot chocolate.” I nervously rake my fingers through my unruly hair, pushing it back out of my eyes. I need to see her clearly. “I’ve heard the cafe down the street serves a mean apple pie.”

  She leans against the edge of the doorframe, her arms crossed over her slight frame. One foot rests on top of the other while she balances gracefully like a dancer.

  “Apple pie, huh? That happens to be my favorite kind,” she replies with a hint of a smile.

  “I know it is.” I wink.

  She tips her head to the side. “How do you know?”

  “You told me.” I playfully point at her.

  “Do you pay attention to everything you’re told?” she questions.

  I step forward and tap the end of her nose with my index finger. “Only when it’s you doing the telling.”

  The January air has a briskness to it, but it’s not the bone chilling cold of the past few days. Winter in Boston brings us few opportunities to be outside and I like to take advantage of them.

  The sun is shining, painting the dreary gray and white tones of the season in a flattering light, or maybe it’s just the effect of being in Lana’s company. The moments I spend with her are always the best ones.

  I casually reach for her hand, clasping my warm palm against the softness of her pink glove. My fingers wrap around her tiny hand and I realize how petite she is. How will she handle my unorthodox sexual tastes? My eyes flick over and notice her nervously chewing on her bottom lip. I squeeze her hand and she glances at me. Our eyes lock. “Relax, Lana. We’re just two friends enjoying each other's company.” She nods, looking forward. I give her hand another squeeze. “For now.”

  I purchase hot chocolate for both of us; hers with a mountain of whipped cream, mine with mini marshmallows scattered across top of the steaming surface. She declined the piece of apple pie I tried to get for her.

  We settle into a booth near the back of the cafe.

  “Tell me about your life in Seattle.” I study her.

  As my words register, her eyes show a flicker of panic. It’s gone in a second, so brief, I wonder if I’ve imagined it.

  “There’s not much to tell.” She blows on her hot chocolate before taking the first sip. When she lowers the mug, there’s whipped cream just above her upper lip and I fight the urge to lean forward and lick it off.

  I shake my head. “I don’t believe that. I find you fascinating, and I’m a great judge of character.” I sip on my hot chocolate and gaze at her over the top of the mug. “Who’s Christopher?” I ask moving in for the kill. I’m sick of wondering. I need to know what I’m dealing with so I can adjust my plan if need be.

  She places her mug down on the table with a clatter, closing her eyes for a moment. I can tell she was thrown off by my question.

  “He’s my ex-boyfriend.” Her eyes open, darting away from me, staring off into the distance.

  “Were you together for long?” I hold my breath waiting for her to answer. I want her to say no. I want this guy to be an insignificant part of her past.

  She chews on her lower lip. “We were together for two years and engaged to be married.”

  Fuck. It’s worse than I thought. She was in love with this guy, probably still is.

  “Why did you break up?” I ask, cupping the warm mug in my hand.

  Her gaze meets mine and I can see so much pain reflected there. I want to do whatever I can to take it all away.

  “He left me. I wasn’t enough to keep him.” Her eyes shine with unshed tears b
efore one falls, trailing slowly down her cheek.

  “He was an idiot to walk away from you.” She shakes her head and wipes her cheek. “If I had a girl like you, I’d never let her go. I’d be glued to her side day and night, closer than a stalker.” She giggles and I smile, happy knowing I made her laugh.

  We sip on our hot chocolate in silence for a few minutes. I can feel her eyes burning into my profile as I stare toward the front of the cafe. I caught a flash of long blonde hair and thought it might be Kyle McKenzie’s girlfriend, Janny, but it’s not.

  When I swing my head back our eyes meet and she flushes, knowing she’s been caught staring.

  “What’s your brother do for work?” I act as though I didn’t see her studying me.

  “He’s a tattoo artist.” She plays with the spoon on the table. “He does incredible work.”

  “Do you have any tattoos?” I ask, already suspecting the answer.

  She shakes her head. “No, I always wanted one, but…” she trails off before chewing nervously on her bottom lip.

  “But what?” I prod her, cocking an eyebrow.

  She sighs. “Christopher said my skin was beautiful and didn’t need any decoration.” She glances at me.

  I keep my expression impassive. I don’t want her to shut this conversation down, no matter how much I’m seething inside at hearing her utter his name.

  “He said he had enough for both of us,” she continues explaining, a small smile playing around the edges of her pink lips. Thinking about him makes her happy. Fuck.

  “Do you have any tattoos?” she asks.

  “I do. I have a bunch, but they’re all above the elbow. I couldn’t really work in the field I did and be too inked up. There’s a stigma that goes along with having them and I wanted to be successful. I never got one where anyone in my professional life could see it. Now I’m a man of leisure and I might have to change that.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you if you’d decided what you wanted to do,” she mentions before taking the final sip of her hot chocolate.