Quake Page 6
“I didn’t mean to get so carried away, but I can’t resist your lips.” I push myself up off of her and hold my hand out to help her sit up. While I walk across the living room I push down on my still hard dick with one hand and reach in my pocket for some money with the other. When I open the door and hand it over to the delivery guy, I realize I’ve ordered way too much food. I smile as I take the two large bags from him. I hope Janny’s hungry.
“Let’s eat,” I tell her, carrying it to the kitchen. I place the bags down on the granite counter and motion with my head toward the end cabinet. “Mind grabbing a few plates?” I ask, as I remove the various cartons. As she crosses the room to the row of walnut cabinets, my eyes follow, roaming over the length of her body. The sight of her curvy ass in her tight jeans makes my dick hard. When she stands on her tiptoes to reach the plates in the upper cabinet, she’s so fucking cute, it gives me an ache in the middle of my chest.
“Have you ever been in love?” she asks before taking a bite of dumpling.
“No. I had girlfriends in high school and college, but being Kenna’s primary caretaker didn’t leave me time for anyone else. She had to be my first priority and I knew no one would be satisfied taking the back seat to her.” I take a sip of water and try not to think about how uncomfortable answering questions makes me. I school my expression when I glance at her, wanting her to be comfortable asking me more. I know this is important to her and as much as I hate talking about myself, I know it’s something I need to do.
“What about once Kenna was out of the house? You never had any relationships then?” She tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear and waits for my answer.
“No, I didn’t do relationships. I dated some, but being on the police force kept me busy. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t behave like a saint. I had enough attention from women, I just never met anyone I felt the urge to be with.”
Until now.
I hear those words in my head, but I can’t say them aloud. I’m trying to figure out how this is going to go. I’m still trying to talk myself out of becoming involved any more than I already am. I know I’m all wrong for her, but I don’t think I can stay away. I told myself tonight would be the last time I could be with her, the last time I could kiss her, but my desire for Janny is too strong to set her free. She calms my demons and makes me feel whole again. She makes me forget about all the ways my life has changed in the past few years and she makes me feel like the man I used to be.
I take a sip of water and peer at her over the top of my glass watching her eat a piece of chicken. She doesn’t seem bothered by what I’ve said.
“What about you?” I ask. “Ever been in love?” I notice her lips tighten before she places her fork down. She uses her napkin to wipe her mouth before carefully spreading it out in her lap.
“I was in love with my high school boyfriend, the one who died in the fire with my parents. David and I dated for a couple of years and we were going off to college together.” She looks up at me her eyes filled with sadness. “After he passed, I didn’t date anyone until my ex-boyfriend, Josh. He and I were together for a year, but I never fell in love with him. We’re still close friends though and get together when we can. His friendship is important to me.”
Great, just what I want to deal with—an ex-boyfriend who still wants in her pants. I’m a guy, I know his M.O. He probably still loves her and wants her back. I can’t blame him—she’s fucking perfection.
Chapter Seven
Kyle and I are at Quake, the bar we bumped into each other at the first night. We’re meeting up with Elle, Josh, Kenna and Derek. He asked me if I wanted to meet his family and I know he considers Derek to be the brother he never had. I feel the same about Elle, she’s as much my sister as Bryan is my brother. Josh is important to me too and I hope Kyle won’t get weird when he sees us together. He has nothing to worry about, my feelings for him are already stronger than what I ever felt for Josh.
We’re seated in the booths running along the back of the club. There’s a table in front of us and chairs on the other side. My eyes keep perusing the crowd for any sign of Elle and Josh. Kyle slides his hand under my skirt and rests it on my thigh. Just one simple touch has me aching for more. My heart is racing and a heated flush moves from my head down to my toes. I think anyone who looks at me right now can see how much I want him. Can they all tell my panties are wet? Do they know how much I want him to slide his hand up the inside of my thigh and touch me right now?
I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down as the husky tone of Sting singing “Every Breath You Take” drowns out all the background noise. Anyone can see us here and yet, all I want to do is sit on his lap and grind slowly on his cock.
I’ve never wanted someone so bad and definitely not in a public place. I’m not sure how to handle this aching desire he makes me feel. Kyle’s hand moves to the inside of my thigh, climbing up a few inches.
His lips brush my ear. “Are you as turned on as I am, right now?” he whispers.
I close my eyes and clench my fists on the bench seat beside me as his fingertips softly tease along the edge of my panties. I can’t believe we’re doing this. He leans down, brushing his lips against mine before deepening the kiss. His finger just breaches the elastic on the leg of my panties when we’re interrupted.
“Hey Kyle, you look like you’re having fun.” We break apart and his hand slides back down toward my knee. My face is awash with a bright red hue, embarrassed at being caught by his sister. Meeting her under these circumstances is not how I imagined it going.
Kyle stands up and moves around the table to hug Kenna and I sit there horrified at the first impression I must be making. I nervously chew on my lip and wonder if I should stand up or stay seated. God, why am I so fucking awkward in these types of situations?
“Kenny, I want you to meet Janny. Janny this is Kenny,” Kyle introduces us and I stand up to shake her hand.
“Oh no, I have to hug the woman who makes my brother so happy,” she says, pulling me in for a quick squeeze.
“It’s great to meet you.” I notice how much she resembles Kyle. They both share the same dark hair and golden brown eyes, although Kenna’s facial features are much more refined than his.
Our introduction is interrupted by Derek’s arrival. “Janny this is Derek.” He flashes me a grin while we exchange hellos and then he winks at Kyle. I’m not sure what kind of secret messages they’re conveying to one another, but I hope I’m at least meeting expectations.
When Kenna sits down in the open sided booth next to me with Derek across from her, I spot Elle and Josh walking in. I raise my hand to flag them down with a big smile on my face.
I tap Kyle’s leg and gesture I want to stand up. He moves out of his side of the booth, holding his hand out to assist me. Elle almost knocks me over as she crashes into me with a hug.
“Kyle this is Elle.” I introduce them and Josh wraps me in his arms, kissing me on top of my head.
“Hey beautiful, I’ve missed seeing you.” He’s so sweet. I’ve missed hanging out with him. He needs to meet a girl who appreciates what a great guy he is.
“Hey Josh, I’ve missed you too. I’m glad you’re here. I really want you to meet Kyle.”
Disappointment flickers in his eyes for a brief moment and then he smiles. “Sure.”
I introduce the two of them and when they shake hands I can see the muscles in Kyle’s jaw tensing like he’s clenching his teeth and I swear I noticed Josh grimace. I shake my head and think about the dumb macho games men play.
After the first round of drinks, Kyle leads me to the dance floor. He pulls me into his arms while some crooning love song plays and I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be. I rest my head on his broad chest and look up at him.
“I like your family.” He smiles down at me and pulls me closer to him.
> “They like you too, I can tell. Kenna hasn’t stopped smiling and Derek keeps smirking at me like he’s got a secret. I know they’re both shocked I’ve met someone.” He runs his hand up my back. “I like Elle, too. She seems like a lot of fun.” He doesn’t mention Josh and I know he doesn’t like him, but I’m not going to let him get away with it.
“How do you like Josh?” I ask as I struggle to keep a straight face. He looks pained at my question which makes it even harder for me not to laugh.
His body tenses under my fingers. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say.” His eyes narrow. “Of course I don’t like the dude. He’s had his dick inside you.”
Wow. I wasn’t expecting that answer and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to myself, part of me thinks his jealousy is hot.
After we say goodbye to everyone, we walk out to the large back parking lot. His hand is low on my waist, just above the curve of my ass as we arrive at his car. He spins me around and presses my back against the side of the passenger door swallowing my gasp of surprise with his kiss. His hand reaches up to tangle in my hair, his hold is tight, as his hot tongue plunders my mouth.
My hands grip his arms and clutch at the material of his shirt while his other hand slides up the inside of my thigh. When he reaches the edge of my panties, I whimper into his mouth and part my legs. His fingers slowly trace the edge of the elastic, back and forth as if he has all the time in the world.
I tear my mouth from his, “Please,” I beg. “Please touch me.”
His hand in my hair tugs hard, pulling my head back and I’m surprised at how aroused I am by the unexpected sting of pain. The heat of his mouth and the softness of his beard traveling along the length of my neck reminds me of what it felt like moving along my inner thighs. I cry out when he bites my neck at the same time his fingers plunge inside of me. His lips touch the bottom of my ear.
He whispers in a husky voice, “Is this what you want Baby? Do you want me to make you come?”
“Yes. Please.” My eyes squeeze shut and I focus on what his capable fingers are doing to me.
“Open your eyes,” he orders me. “I want you to see who’s making you feel this good.” He licks from the base of my neck all the way up to the tip of my chin and then slides his mouth over mine for another kiss. My eyes fall shut and his mouth catches all of my moans and whimpers. His fingers inside of me and his thumb circling my clit push me higher and higher. He tears his mouth from mine.
“Look at me. I want you to know who owns this cunt.” His eyes are feral in the darkness with only the light of the street lamps. My fingers claw at his shoulders when my legs start to quiver.
He tugs on my hair and squeezes my clit. “Say my name when you come.”
“Kyle,” I moan as I tremble through my orgasm.
Kyle and I haven’t been able to get together for the past few days. I’ve been occupied with school projects and exams and he’s been busy with his work. I’m not exactly sure what he does day to day, I have a feeling if he told me about it he would be breaking his client’s confidentiality and he doesn’t seem like the type of guy who’d ever do that. The more I get to know him, the more I like what I’m learning.
I grimace as I stretch my legs out on the coffee table in front of me to loosen them up. I’ve been sitting in the same position for the past two hours trying to finish up this English paper, it’s due tomorrow. If I could stop my thoughts from wandering to Kyle, I would’ve been done by now. He’s not easy to stop thinking about. A flash of heat washes over me when I remember what happened in the Quake parking lot. Jesus, just thinking about it brings it all back. I close my eyes and I can practically feel his rough touch. I’ve never had anyone talk to me the way he did. I open my eyes and try not to feel embarrassed about the way I begged him to make me come. What is it about this guy that has me doing things I’ve never done before?
I stare at my laptop while I try to focus back on my task, but all I see is the hungry way Kyle looked at me when he made me come. I can’t help but hope he’s starting to care for me as much as I am for him. Our nightly phone calls and his text messages throughout the day, make him impossible to forget.
I glance at the clock; I’m supposed to be at my brother’s house in an hour. So much for getting my work done. Sharon invited me for dinner and whatever they’re having beats anything I’d be cooking for myself.
Chapter Eight
I haven’t seen Janny for three days now, not since the night at Quake. I know tonight she’s staying over her brother’s house. She mentioned something about Sharon having her over for dinner and not feeling like driving back to school. I’m surprised by how much I’ve missed her and how often my thoughts turn to her. I need to see her—I need to see her now, before I go to bed. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but the lure of the cameras at Bryan’s house are too much for me to ignore.
I sit down in my chair, flex my fingers and type in the commands to bring the Moore household up on my screen. I start with the downstairs rooms, but I don’t see any sign of her. I move up to her bedroom and I find her there. I zoom in to get a clearer look. She’s standing next to her bed, wearing a short white towel and has a bottle of lotion in her hand.
Jesus Christ.
My dick instantly stands at attention and it feels as though all the blood in my body travels to my groin. Her long blonde hair is wet and hangs straight to the middle of her back. I think about how I gripped her soft hair the other night when I made her come and I wonder if she’s thought about what happened at all. I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. I’ve jerked off in the shower every day since.
Janny unwraps the towel and drops it on her bed. The first sight of her naked body takes my breath away. I’ve never seen such perfection in my life, it’s like she was made for me. I take a deep breath and try to slow my erratic breathing and racing heart. Just looking at her has my body out of control. If we were in the same room now she’d be underneath me and I’d be fucking her, there would be no way I could resist taking her and making her mine. The next time we’re together will end with me knowing exactly what it’s like to be buried inside her pussy.
Janny places her foot up on the bed giving me a clear shot of her cunt. Jesus, seeing her all pink and perfect has me missing the taste of her. I can’t wait to bury my tongue inside her and make her come over and over so I can lick it all up and start again.
She squirts some lotion in her hand and then begins to smooth it on her skin. She uses both hands, moving slowly up and down the length of her leg until it’s rubbed in. She repeats the motion on the other leg and by the time she’s done, I’m convinced she knows I’m watching and is purposely teasing me.
Fuck. I wish I could be there with her. I pick up my cellphone and call Janny while I continue to watch her on the screen. She bends over and pulls her phone from the pocket of her jeans.
“Hello,” she answers a smile on her lips.
“Hey. How are you?” I adjust the waistband on my boxer briefs, pushing it down below my painful hard on. She twirls her hair with her index finger as she answers me.
“I just got out of the shower and I’m about to go to bed.”
I know.
“Are you naked right now?”
She sits down on her bed still playing with her long wet strands. “Yes,” she answers.
“I’m picturing you right now, twirling your hair while we talk.”
A look of surprise crosses her face and she releases her hair. She shifts backwards on her bed to lie on the pillows.
“I know I haven’t seen you naked yet, but my imagination is pretty good.”
She giggles and runs her fingertips up between her breasts, down to the apex of her thighs and back up again. Her hand slides over to toy with one of her nipples.
Oh Jesus, I like where this is going.
I rake my teeth over my bottom lip and contemplate whether I should come right out and ask her to touch her
self or not. I want to push her limits—push her out of her comfort zone and introduce her to all the things she’s never done before—Fuck it.
“Touch yourself.” My voice sounds husky with desire.
“What?” she asks me her eyes wide with surprise.
“Touch yourself. Slide your fingers through your wet pussy and make yourself come. I want to hear you.”
I want to watch you.
Listening to her soft, quick breaths in my ear as I watch her hand slip between her legs and her fingers disappear inside her is too much. It’s too rousing, I begin to stroke my dick.
“Does it feel good, baby?” I move my fist slowly up and down the length of my cock and grit my teeth. Watching her like this is so wrong, but it’s so fucking hot. “I can’t wait to be buried inside of you.”
She moans in my ear as she rubs her clit. The sight of her wet fingers circling it is so sensual, I wish it was my tongue. The feeling of her soft, warm, wetness in my mouth and the taste of her are things I’ll never be able to forget.
I can’t wait to have my tongue inside her again. “I’m going to show you who that cunt belongs to. It’s mine. I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll never forget.”
“Yes,” she moans. “I want you to.” Both of her knees are bent, her hips are rocking fluidly and with each touch, I get closer to my own release.
The pressure in my dick is almost intolerable, I move my hand faster and faster. “Do you like knowing I’m stroking myself while you touch your pussy?” It’s a struggle to get the words out. My breaths are short and harsh in her ear, while I pump my cock tightly with my fist.
“Oh God, yes,” she moans. “I want to hear you make yourself come.”
Jesus. I didn’t think this could be any hotter, but knowing that she has those thoughts about me is such a turn on.